Like every self respecting geek, I needed to build a CNC machine.
I find it kind of romantic that you can create a "metal cutting robot" by watching some youtube videos and ordering off the shelf parts from your local hardware store.
Everything used can be sourced (in Germany) without leaving the house. The most advanced tool was the 3d printer to print some limit switch mounts.
The motors and lead screws are mounted on 6mm thick aluminium angle bar pieces, which are drilled in the right places.
I did not have any specific goals other than to be able to cut wood and aluminium and it should not break the 1k Euro limit. (It did..)
The software stack is a simple "grbl on arduino". I am excited to report that I already did hit some limitations of that setup and will probably spend some time to explore linux cnc.
For design and tool path creation I do use freecad.
My cutting area is 715x420x115 mm. Which was basically pre-determined by the rails set I got.
So far I am supper happy, excited and learn something new each time I use that beast.
Drostestrasse 3
53819 Neunkirchen
USt-Id-Nr.: DE203610693
skype: sven2342
phone: +49 22 47 90 80 250
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